What a year! We’ve raised 5 minute microlearnings to the heights of registered deity, explored fantastic AR/VR experiences that will revolutionize learning one day (just because we’re so bored with our normal R(eality)). Robots are on the rise to take away our job, and AI now powers every Millennial’s gold fish attention-span style learning. We’ve even gamified blockchain!! This might be news for you but people spent over 1M on virtual blockchain kitties.

Where about instructional designers?

If I have to summarize my 2017 lessons learned to IDs in one TIP, it would be this: don’t start with content, technology, action verb, or even learning objectives. Start with this TIP from the Serious eLearning Manifesto.

Here are my TIPs for the year of 2017:

  1. Posted my first article on learner engagement for humans on elearningindustry.com.  I’m glad you’ve found the tips useful and applicable, as it made to the top 50 articles of the year on the platform. This article also sparked a radio interview with the wonderful Lisa Monigue-White.
  2. Built an escape room experience with augmented reality for my ATD International Conference and Expo.
  3. Shared some ideas on using advanced Articulate Storyline, made it to Tom Kuhlmann’s 8 developers to follow list, and became an eLearning Super Hero.
  4. Inspired by Cathy Moore’s action mapping, I ran multiple interactive sessions with clients to explore their REAL business needs. I have a deck of cards to facilitate the session.
  5. I was TLDC twice as a guest, and many times as a participant. If you’re not sure what TLDC is, check it out every day M-F at 11 EST/8 PST. Live guests, lively group of learning professionals learning for free.
  6. I’ve finished and published my book, Engage the WORL&D!   While it’s a whimsical brain-picking “meme-oir,” the book explores six essential instructional design traits I believe make you stronger in the L&D space in the future.

Finally, something I’m still working on for 2018 but posted an article on already to share: R.E.F.R.A.M.E. the WORL&D! A gameful design kit to reframe “training” questions/requests to find solutions that actually make an impact (because we should always TARGET IMPROVED PERFORMANCE).

Here’s the short version of the R.E.F.R.A.M.E. process I’ve been using for a while (combination of design thinking, game thinking and action mapping for L&D):

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